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Game Testing

By the year 2025, Industries are expecting a rise of $300 billion in mobile games with the rapidly changing technology. A report by Global data says about this massive increase in the gaming world. By keeping this growth and expansion into consideration, companies are accelerating their speed of learning abilities. However, with the growth of gaming applications, users will definitely look for quality. And quality is our USP. We have a team of experts who closely monitor the performance of gaming applications under various scenarios. If you are looking to hire QA testers in India, we are your reliable service partner. Being a leading game testing company in India we ensure delivering innovative, engaging, and user-friendly games. Here, we will discuss the various types of game testing techniques that guarantee quality. As everyone is quite aware of the competitiveness and releasing any product with bugs will spoil everything. Hence never allow people to criticize your product. Also, there are so many automation tools to test gaming applications, and we shall discuss that as well

Risks in Game Testing?

Whether you are a beginner or an expert, you must know all the pros and cons. Once you have pros and cons in mind, your quality delivery will not compromise. Prior to going for testing, always validate these risks.
  • If the gaming application has the power to engage users?
  • Whether the application has fun features or not?
  • If the application has a user-friendly design?
  • If the features of the game are easily accessible?
  • Whether the media files (images, texts, graphics, videos, audios, etc.) are of good quality?

These are the major threats of any gaming application. So, once you have clarity on these points, testing becomes more flexible for you.

Different Types of Game Testing Techniques:

The main objective of testing is to highlight errors in the application. Its intent is to make the application free from all kinds of bugs.
There are various ways of game testing and all work on the concept of making an application bug-free. Here we are mentioning seven popular techniques of testing.
Have a look:

1.Functionality Testing:

As the name signifies, through functional testing, testers verify the workability of an application as per the given specifications.
Duringthe process, the QA team hunts generic issues of the application likeasset integrity, audio-video, scalability, graphical representation,etc.
Also,the testing team validates the performance of the application duringinstant restart, switch-off, and crash situations. QAteam creates these environments by considering real-lifesituations.
  • Validates the performance of the product as per the requirement document.
  • The testing method comes under the section of black-box-testing.
  • As compared to other testing methods, functional testing is a bit time-taking because the QA team verifies intact elements like graphics, texts, user’s comfort, etc.
  • Moreover, functional testing also confirms the installation, network issues, and support methods.

2.Combinational Testing:

QA team uses the approach of combinational testing to analyze the performance of gaming application.
This testing approach helps in early identification of the bugs that makes development process productive.
Moreover, the testing method verifies if the requirement document is followed or not? During combinational testing,QA expert applies various combinations of inputs to synchronize the output.
Also, gaming application is incomplete without combinational testing because it drives quality and productivity.
One should definitely go for combinational testing if he or she is in process of launching a gaming application.

Highlighted Features

  • Combinational testing ensures the performance of the product through all possible combinations of parameters.
  • The reports of the approach are systematic and easy to follow.
  • QA team performs Combinational testing with three methods. These are Catalogue-based testing, Pair testing, and Category-partition testing.

3.Exploratory Testing:

In this testing method, the team does not work on any pre-created test cases. They test the entire system on the fly. Also, the concept of the testing method emphasizes more on “Imagination ability” rather than traditional testing.
Here, a tester has to explore the gaming application and identify bugs based on thinking ability. Moreover, Agile models follow Exploratory testing that is all about learning, thinking, investigating, and imagining.
Before launching a gaming application in the public domain, Exploratory testing is essential as it gives space to testers. As a result, the team finds out errors on behalf of the public and makes the application more ideal.

Key Features of Exploratory Testing:

  • No need to create test cases in advance.
  • The team generates test cases during testing only.
  • The concept revolves around “Thinking & Investigation”.
  • Avails space for testers to explore more testing environments.

It offers better productivity.

4.Compatibility Testing:

The foremost objective of compatibility testing is to highlight compatible issues. As we all know, gaming applications are leading, and people have become crazy about it.
In such a scenario, an application should perform as per the expectations of end-users. There are various versions of devices even in a single technology, and hence it demands compatibility testing.
A gaming application should work with the same frequency across all mobile devices.
Hence, testers verify the response of an application across all the mobile devices by considering basic features like resolutions, audio, videos, graphics, etc.
Being an automation testing company, we are conscious about testing tools that assure compatibility and performance of the application.

Highlighted Features

  • Compatibility testing determines the compatibility of the application across all the devices. Also, it compares the designs texts at all screen sizes.
  • It also validates the performance of the product across various operating systems and browsers.
  • Ensures stability and scalability of the application.

5.Cleanroom Testing:

Cleanroom testing is mandatory to test gaming applications. Sometimes QA team keeps on raising bugs in series, and they become unable to reach the exact reason
Hence in such cases, Cleanroom Testing plays an important role. Through the technique of this testing approach, one can identify the exact cause of bugs and minor errors.
Also, Cleanroom testing strategies make the gaming application productive and reduce the effort of testing. Even testers can enjoy the game during testing. By being a leading testing company, we have command over all testing methods.

Highlighted Features

  • Cleanroom testing is a combined concept of statistical reasoning, design refinements, and mathematical knowledge.
  • The testing method determines minimal defects in the application.
  • It is no programmer testing concept as programming starts after proper specification.

6.Play Testing:

As its name signifies, in this testing method, the tester has to play the game like a player. QA team plays like a player and check if any error comes or not.
Along with this, they can also estimate the entertainment level of the gaming application. As a whole, this testing method helps in making the application innovative, engaging, and player-centric.
Probably, this is the favorite testing method of a tester but, one should always be attentive. They have to maintain the balance of entertainment, accessibility, and appearance.

Highlighted Features

  • QA team should always consider Play Testing as it created a live environment.
  • The concept is more about real scenarios like Fun-facts, User’s engagement, etc.

7.Regression Testing:

Regression testing is one of the most vital methods that one should follow during testing. It ensures the capability of the application by keeping the futuristic changes in place.
Also,Regression Testing rechecks the entire functionality of the application from scratch and highlights new bugs. Under this testing,the developer re-executes the code and compares its output with previous outputs as well.
No one can afford to compromise with quality, and hence each step of testing has its own worth. A gaming application becomes extra productive after regression testing.

Highlighted Features

  • Regression test re-validate and re-execute entire tests.
  • Compares result of old tests and current tests, in order to get the bugs.
  • Ensures quality of an application by overall judgment.

8.Tree Testing:

Tree testing is almost the same as usability testing used to organize the test cases. It also helps to select the proper set of tests for the given set of code changes.

Highlighted Features

  • Can be also conducted in advance of designing page layouts or navigation menus
  • Allows inexpensive exploration, refinement of the menu categories, labels,etc.
  • Tester doesn’t need to sketch wireframes or write content for testing. The only things needed are the tree(menu), and the tasks(instructions).
  • Improves the overall understanding of the complex features in the game

9.Load Testing:

Load testing is a type of performance testing to determine the performance of a system under real-time loads. Load testing shows the reaction of an app when multiple users use the app simultaneously.

Highlighted Features

  • Determine whether the current infrastructure is sufficient for the smooth running of the game
  • Check sustainability of the app with peak user load
  • Determine the number of users an app can support and its scalability rate to support more users. Accommodates strategies for performance management.

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